We are so excited for your to join our amazing Home School Co-op Community.
Here are some steps to get enrolled with our Home School Co-op

Pick Your Classes
Visit the class schedule page to see all the classes we currently offer.
Click on the class name to see the cost and course description.
Write down the times and days of the classes you would like to participate in.
Scholarship Parents will need to call Ms. Brandy for registration though the EMA portal @ 813-444-7876

Student Registration
Take a second and fill out our Student Registration Form. This form is for all the students and parents information. Click the button below to fill out the registration form. There is a one time registration fee of $50.00 per school. Scholarship parents can add $50.00 fee in EMA, Self pay/drop in parents will pay $50.00 at the end of the registration form.

Enroll in Classes
Scholarship Families must call Ms. Brandy for registration @ 813-444-7876
Click on the button below to enroll in your classes.
Click on the course you want to add, fill in the required information and add to cart.
Repeat the process for each class you would like.
You can sign up for as many classes as you like, you can mix and match times and days to create a schedule that works for your family.